Special Guest Expert - Brigitta Hoeferle

Special Guest Expert - Brigitta Hoeferle: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Brigitta Hoeferle: this eJwdjktPg0AUhf8KuQtXWB6lFUkaY422EV01TeqKjDMXnDjDTGYupdj0vwtsz-M75wrctIQtVTRYhAKeIQTZemItx0oKKJbLOE-yLAmBd56M7jy62UjXyTpbpSEwzk03EuZ0_rhKHkKoJSpRtUxPzFoqHLG_PXONh-IKnVOj_ENkfRFFfd8vGmMahcxKv-BGR8LJM0bnNJqqPkre6zxN-tPxO_4aStz_xfXbZ7krP14udBi02T4xRRuNQrI7bzrHcSNM3yrDxHGcCoEkqenJwSKXTAW7Dj0FrxeLjoL7YOtkI4lYsDdYo5vf1sZpRmNH2wxut38tdWP6:1oEFaI:Z5CkT29w3CWvADnIRReYQff-Vww video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Here's the big question. How is it that most entrepreneurs hustle and are always busy and struggle to take just one step forward, only to fall two steps back their dedicated, determined and driven, but only a few finally break through and win. This show uncovers those quantum leap patterns of highly successful people so you can simply model what they do and apply to your future success. That's the question. And the answers are right here. My name is Brigitta Hoeferle and this is the Success Pattern Show. Welcome, everyone. I'm still getting situated here. You still hear a little bit of an echo. We're still working all of the kinks out in my new office. My name is Bridget. Hopefully I am so honored and excited to be here with you on the Success Pattern Show yet again where we put the do in learn do teach. I'm the founder of the Success Patterns Movement and the CEO of the Center of NLP. And people ask me at success patterns, Brigitta, what does that mean? Well, the definition of success is an interesting thing, because can we all agree that success is defined by each individual success seeker? It's not limited to either business or personal life. It's a unique concept and everyone has their own definition around it. In this show, we give you the scaffolding so you can build your empire. Because when we decipher, when we look at patterns and we become aware of patterns and we are decoding patterns that led to other people's success, we can then encode it for our own success today because as as humans were hardwired for online, for hands on application, I was always going to say online application, hands on application, you guys by a living teacher and you've got them right here. We're not theoreticians because they kind of just walk a talk. Good game, but don't really walk it. We are grandmasters at work here with the success patterns show and the Success Patterns movement. We give you tips on how to model success because success modeling is one of the laws of success of the presuppositions of NLP. Now a pattern is an example for others to follow. And when you know the pattern, when you know the strategy, when you can see it outline, well, then it's easy to be followed.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Right. That's that's the whole thing about success modeling. Now, today, we have an incredible show. Success is already yours. We're going to have. So stay tuned to all the way in. We have a special gift for you guys. So make sure that you get your special gift at the end of the show. And today's a great show. Why while you are here, that's why we're going to bust the myth that knowledge is power. How many of you have ever heard that knowledge is power? Right. I'm going to say it's the exact opposite when we look at success, when we look at sales. And if I were standing in front of a big room, which I am, it's the world out there. I would ask everyone by show of hands how many of you are in sales know? And some people might raise their hand. Other people might be looking around like, I'm not in sales. I don't do sales yet. That was a great question. We all are in sales. We are in sales. Made the exchange for a service or product against money or may be an exchange of. You buy into my advice or my idea or my opinion or you or my child and I sell you on the idea of eating your broccoli for dinner or whatever it is. My kids love broccoli. I love broccoli. Anyway, beets the purpose. We are all in sales. And how often may you be in sales or not in sales? That is in sales in your business, which if you're an entrepreneur, I'm pretty sure you are in sales. That knowledge is power, but knowledge is only potential power because the knowledge comes through implementation. Our experiences come and then create that knowledge. Now we do need to have some knowledge beforehand. That's what I'm about to share with you today because you are going to have an incredible guest expert didn't show up. So over underground and through whatever it takes, we will do. We're going to talk about handling objections today because we are all in sales. We've already established that we are all looking at selling something to someone.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
So we're going to share with you how can we handle objections? It was Bob Proctor that said once or is it Tyrone? Once you get better, your prospects become better. So if someone is not buying into whatever you're saying or into whatever you're offering, into the idea of eating the broccoli, into the idea of buying the product, or, hey, coach with me or buy my training or buy this, whatever you're offering, that is an immediate feedback that you do not have rapport with that person. And if you don't have rapport with a person, nothing happens, right? There's you've you guys probably heard it. No. Like and just go in the comments and write down no like and trust. Everyone talks about how do you know? Like just people will buy from you when they know, like and trust you. Yeah, but how do they know? Like and trust you? How does that happen? How does the know like and trust happen? All right. Let's go into the third one, ways to handle any objection. First, we are looking at the mind readers. We want to be so good in listening, in working our ears that we can already know what the other person we don't know, that we can identify what the other person might have have an objection next. Often if you're not talking with the the spouse together, then there might be an objection right there. All I first got to talk to my wife. I got to talk to my husband. I got to talk to my partner. I got to talk to my business partner. So you want to be you want to be aware of what obstacles and objections might potentially already are already in the way you want to have stories ready stories is you probably heard many times before stories sell facts. What tell exactly. So if you've ever followed me in any training that I have given, I will or coaching. I will always tell a story. I told a story earlier of my own experience of one of my clients is and this was not a sales conversation. It was just a rapport building conversation and picking the person up where they're at.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
And I related my story to her story. She said that she has a hard time sleeping. How many of you have a hard time sleeping these days? I feel like I'm here in Atlanta. I feel like the weather's going like up and down. It's dropping in temperature and it's rising again in temperature. I think we're coming close to a full moon. There are all of these things. And in order for someone to know, like and trust you, you can build or you can tear down a potential barrier by picking them up where they're at with a story, with a relatable story. The story must have some sort of. Point and some sort of impact to really don't just tell a story of oh and by the way, I went out with my dog this morning and did a big. Oh, no, no, it's got to have a point. Right. Questions. Ask quality questions. And I say this, if you have listened to one of my shows that I did with Soul Long, was it last week? Maybe it was the week before that. We talked about quality questions. So in the comments, put down some quality questions that, you know, you can ask with questions, you get more information. And when you get more information, you can actually let me go back here. You can actually have more information to clear the the potential objections. And so you can become more influential in that conversation. Now, this comes with a big, big disclaimer here. At this point, you're not going to sell a product or service to someone that does not need your your your product or your service. When you know that your product or your service is the solution to the person, then that person will already that objection is already handled. So if there's a big solution, you actually don't need the holes that I'm about to go through. So when you know that you are providing put in the comments solution, when you're providing a solution to the person's problem, that person will say, here's my credit card, where do I sign? Or Here's or even better, here's cash. Me up. So you then not become the mind reader.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
You already know that that person has that problem and that you are solving that problem and people ask me to work it out. How do I do that? How do I know that they have the problem? Guess what?

Close, I'll tell you. Ask. A really good question.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Ask a question when I go and do a group training before if the if the trainer or HR comes to me and they say, we're going to really want you to train, but we're not certain where to begin and how do we do all of that? I ask first, I ask, what's your budget? That's the first question that I ask. The second question I ask is, what is the biggest problem that you have in said department or department? What is the problem that is being if I'm training their sales team, what is the biggest problem that they have in in that department or in that process or. Fill in the blanks. So ask a question. By the way, guys, it's starting to you probably already seen it. The lights are flickering. It's starting to thunder and storm and rain. So if I go out for a few seconds, I will be back. All right. So ask questions, solve the problem, isolate the problem. Isolate the problem. Turn up the heat. Turn up the the pain. As you're isolating the problem, bring it out. Allow the person or the department head or whoever you're communicating with, make it so vivid and so palatable and tangible that it's easy for them to then investigate and know. But you have the solution that they know there is really no more questions. There is really no more mind reading. There is really no more storytelling because you have identified, isolated, investigated, and you're going to handle anything that else that comes up before it comes up. So you're going to handle that objection beforehand. Now, after you have done that, you're going to share what is the benefit of them working with you? What is the benefit of them eating their broccoli? What is the benefit of what you fill in the blank, whatever you are selling? Share the benefit. Share the learnings. I. Here goes a story. I put in a I put in a proposal for a speaking gig that I'm going to do at the NLP conference next May, like May 2023. And in that proposal, I put in what the listener, the audience, and it's a very big audience.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
What they're taking away from the learnings, where they taking away from when I speak from the speaking engagement. So sharing the benefit, sharing that there is no risk. Now there are some personality types that love the risk. They love the or they maybe they don't love it, maybe they just don't mind it right there. They're maybe risk welcoming, if you will. But if you're working with anyone in h.r. Or anyone that is very structured and i'm going to say button up and to the t, they are going to want to know what the risk is and how do we keep the risk at the very, very lowest. So with handling your objections, you're going to reduce the risk. And if all of those fail, if the all of the handling objections with the mind read and the questions and the stories and solving the problem and isolating the problem and investigating and bringing out the problem and looking at the problem or looking at the objection or speaking out the objection before it even comes up. And when you handle and reduce the risk and when you share the benefits and if nothing else works. Just be outrageous, be so unreasonable, because at this point you have nothing more to lose. So you can be so outrageous. Make something up. I know one of my faculty members got so outrageous when everything else and having objection with a department, he said, You know what, I'm just going to fly you in. I'm going to send you an airplane ticket and you can fly in and see our sales department. And how in our training venue, when you see that you're going to want to train with us, you're going to want to sign a contract with us and work with us. And that's actually when they said yes and then they negotiated. So if you're paying for the ticket, then you're also going to pay for like a sushi dinner or whatever they did. I don't remember. They went to dinner somewhere. So you want to be so unreasonable. You want to think about you have nothing left, left to lose. So be outrageous. I like to be outrageous. That's I think outrageous is part of my I don't think I know outrageous is part of my code of honor.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
So that takes guts. That takes all that takes knowing that over underwritten and through whatever it takes, you will do that. You're going to do that. So then negotiate. Be clear what you are your boundaries are like. So you're paying for the airfare. You're paying for sushi dinner. Where does the buck end? Where does the buck stop? Where is your boundary? And what else could they want? What are you going to say? No. Now outrageousness is awesome, but now we're done. So know how far you want to negotiate. Have clear boundaries. And ask them what else needs to happen in order for us to work together, in order for you to eat your broccoli, in order for whatever the objection might be or the potential objection asking. That's a great question. That is one of the quality questions what would need to happen. So I want to make I want to make time. Let's see, we got Brian Kelly. He says, be unreasonable. Yes, totally be unreasonable. Being reasonable, negotiate. Have fun. You know what? When I look back and my husband would probably say that I'm a natural at this, but now I know the patterns. That's why we are here. So we can kind of decipher the pattern, so you can then use them in your own life if it doesn't come natural to you. Because here's the thing. If it comes natural to you, that means that you don't know how to reproduce it or you don't know how to multiply it. By the way, guys, if you could see outside, it is raining cats and fricking dogs. I'm glad that this internet is somewhat stable at this point. When when you are able to know the strategies as I am sharing them with you on handling objections, then you can be more certain in taking one of those strategies. Now just 13 with you, choose one that you can practice. If this is new to you, choose one that you can practice and then start implementing it. The more comfortable. Let me use a different word, the more confident you are with going out, negotiating, asking great questions, building rapport with someone, starting to my read, or just telling a story the more comfortable, authentic.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
And you, I mean, you, the more you you are, the more authentic you are, the quicker you can build a relationship with someone else. And that in turn again means that you've got to be really comfortable in your own skin. So before you take any of these 13 ways of handling objections, know that it's okay to be you and know being you is actually really, really good. So when the comments want, you write down, Hey, it's great to be me because when you're you, you accept yourself and you can be accepted by others. When you are, you. You can accept to. Be outrageous when you're you, you can accept to tell a story, maybe even a vulnerable story. Yes. I'm going to put this here. Yes, I would totally agree with Brian. It is great to be Brian Kelly. But because he's already taken not marriage wise, but because he is Brian Kelly. It is good to be you, whoever you are. And I agree. It's great to be Brian Kelly. He makes things happen for the show, which is absolutely incredible. Big, big shout out to Brian as well. E yourself. B most authentic and at the same time be aware that the person that you're speaking to might not be the same personality as you are. They might not be like you, which is not bad. That's actually good news. If you look at the people that are closest to you, may they be a partner or your kids or a spouse. Often enough, they are the opposite of you. They compliment you, but when they compliment you, you know, once I heard a speaker say opposites attract and opposites attack, but they can only attack you when you violate in who they are. Because if you know, if it's good to be you, then for them that also means it's good for them to be them. It's good for me to be mean. It's good for you to be you. And yet it's okay and it's necessary for me to understand and relate to your personality type because you and I are probably not the same personality type. That's not bad. That's just what is.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
And when you know that I can actually build a relationship, I don't know if you just heard that, but that was the biggest thunder I've ever heard. So it's good to be each and individual person. So I leave you with that. This was not planned for today. This was we had a guest expert today that just didn't show up. And I said, you know what? This is a perfect time for me to share this with you. I would love to hear from you in the chat box in the comments. As I said, I have a gift for you and the gift for you is right here. So grab your gift. It's the success loss checklist. The success loss checklist. And you can just simply put in it that ly slash center of NLP all lowercase bit that y slash center of NLP and you will find the how you can opt into the success loss checklist. Those are the laws that I live by. Those are the laws that I teach. We have a practitioner course coming up in two days and I'm excited about that. So success the success loss checklist under bit that Lee slash center of NLP. You can get in touch with me very easily at Fool.com you see the spelling right down here we're going to be our Gita at hopefully dotcom. That's my email and hopefully dot com or even easier. Just Google Center of NLP Center of NLP because this show is sponsored by the center of NLP and you can get in touch with me there. So make sure that you've got your gift, pass it on, pass on the giving, pass on the love to everyone else. I want to thank you for being here today. Thank you for that, brian. B i t ly slash center of nlp. Thank you for that. And with that I leave you. I honor you. I appreciate you. And I want to hear from you guys. If I ever have another guest expert that doesn't show up, what else should I prepare? I mean, I have a lot of trainings prepared that I can choose from, but I want to hear from you.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
What do you want to learn more about? I will also continue a series that I started on the The Genius of Strategies, and I started that in, I want to say June. So we'll continue that as well. Just drop me a line. Brigitta@Hoeferle.com or center of NLP with that I leave you today. Thank you for tuning in. We're going to be here again next week, same time, same place to the success for the success pattern show. Until then. Chow And bye for now. Thank you for tuning in to the Success Pattern Show. www.TheSuccessPatternsShow.com My name is Brigitta Hoeferle.

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Brigitta Hoeferle

Success Patterns of Genius

A Success Pattern is simply an example for others to follow.

In this show, we are applying the tools and strategies of NLP to decode geniuses minds so you may then encode your own genius for your own success, as we map out the key features of the mind that will allow our own thoughts to soar with the giants of history.

The purpose of the “Success Patterns of Geniuses“ series is to reflect on the Thinking Process, although a character from fiction, we are able to decipher the behavioral areas in which he operated in to identify his unique and powerful strategy for analyzing, problem-solving and creating.

Enhance your own creativity, problem-solving ability and profitability by learning from the best.

Be entertained and fascinated!

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