Special Guest Expert - Brigitta Hoeferle

Special Guest Expert - Brigitta Hoeferle: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Brigitta Hoeferle: this eJwdjt1qwkAQRl8l7EWvEvNjtBqQUttiKdhCpZRehXV3Ehd3M3F31lTEd3f1amC-OeebMxPYEXRU06kHVrFnFjPVOeKdgFpJVo3H2SwvyzxmwjtC4x3Ye1BM82k5KWLGhUAfDPfr2XySP8asUaBl3XFzczZKQ9DuB25bx6oz81aH9Y6od1WaDsMwahFbDbxXbiTQpNKqI6THIr2hLs3NvP7g2-_1yyqRX9nhgNvlp_9NslPxl702xfqJa1oYkIo_OPRWwELi0Gnk8idUxYwU6dsnmx6E4jpaeXAUvf33YClKoqVVrSLi0TtCA1ZDtNmFgWIf2Aat4RRg05fscrkCioRmuQ:1o7KLV:qIHBkT16KdZjKzCjXZInv0RUwMY video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Here's the big question. How is it that most entrepreneurs hustle and are always busy and struggle to take just one step forward, only to fall two steps back their dedicated, determined and driven, but only a few finally break through and win. This show uncovers those quantum leap patterns of highly successful people so you can simply model what they do and apply to your future success. That's the question, and the answers are right here. My name is Brigitta Hoeferle and this is the Success Pattern Show. And welcome everyone to the Success Pattern Show. My name is Brigitta. I am the founder of the Success Patterns Movement and the CEO of the Center of NLP and is my distinct pleasure to be here amongst these incredible people. We are here to put the do in, learn, do teach and as we are looking at success patterns, can we agree that the success part is a really interesting idea? Because success kind of shifts with the person that is seeking or having the success. It's not limited to one specific area of business or personal life, and it's certainly not one specific area like finances. For some people, they have success in completely different areas than what you would define success. So in the success pattern show, we give you the scaffolding to build your own empire as this is a unique concept and you are unique creatures with the success pattern show, we show you the how to, how the patterns are decoded of the success of our guest experts. So you can then return encode it for your own success. It's all about success modeling and it's all about modeling all in itself. As expert modeling is a law of NLP, as humans were hardwired for hands on application that is taught by a living teacher. We are not theoreticians as they just kind of talk a good game. We are grandmasters at work and you're getting the success models right here in the success patterns right here. So I sure hope that you have something to write with and something to write on as you're going to want to take notes. Now we decide for success a little bit. Let me give you a quick definition of pattern.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
It's an example for others to follow, right? That's what modeling is. So that's what we are here to do. That means that you're at the right time, at the right place. We have an incredible show together. We are we have the guest guest expert today, which is not alive. And I don't even want to say anymore because he he only was alive in Sir Arthur CONAN Doyle's imagination. We are looking into Sherlock Holmes today and the the success strategies, these the strategy, the pattern of genius of Sir CONAN Doyle's. Imagination. And that is our guest expert today. Let's see. This is a beautiful picture that I have taken out of Robert Dilts book, The Strategies of Genius. And Robert Dilts actually painted this picture. So today we're going to look at Sherlock Holmes. Now, of course, Sherlock Holmes. There's a lot for us to uncover and decipher is a fictional character. And sir, oops, sorry. Sir Doyle has in his studies of medicine, he had a professor that he really looked up to that had a lot of those characteristics that he used to create the character of Sherlock Holmes. But that's not why we're here today. We're really looking at what did Sherlock Holmes do and how was Sherlock Holmes and what is he known for today? So as I am speaking, I want to ask you what when I say Sherlock Holmes and you're welcome to share with me in the in the comments when I say Sherlock Holmes, what comes up for you and I have actually done a training on this. Yeah. Was yesterday. And the people in the room said, well, you know, he's very logic thinking he was able to see things that other people weren't able to see. He was very strategic in the way that he went about. But one thing that never came up was that he was like highly emotional. Now there were some in the character, there are some emotions built in. But part of what Sherlock Holmes did as he is going through solving a case has nothing to do with emotions. It has a lot to do with the seeing, the the hidden. Uh.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Cuz seeing the seeing or listening for or even feeling into what is not being said, what is not seen, what is not heard. And as Robert Dilts is deciphering the strategy of Sherlock Holmes, there are several strategies that make up the character of Sherlock Holmes and it goes down into the meta strategy of and we use NLP as a, as a strategy neuroscience tool to decipher that. So the meta program of our communication goes in several levels deep. And I want to speak about those several levels. There's actually five levels of count there, four second five levels. And it boils down to the first, the observation and the how can he what he's observing, how can he cluster that two then come and he's clustering and clustering and clustering and it becomes more of a crystallization as he gets to his conclusion. And with that observation and that interference into that conclusion, he is taking on the. Let me move this back around here quick. He's taking on the. The hidden, like I said, the hidden cues, the things that are not seen, the shadows, the the void that we go, the void of what is what should be there or what could be there, but what is not there. Right. And in order to see the void, there's a very good strategy within this. And the strategies called Gestalt. And as a Gestalt grandmaster, I look at the whole picture. Now, the word gestalt is a German word, and the theory or the methodology of Gestalt is used all around the world and for some reason just stuck, right? So Gestalt means the entire being, if you would see me, not just my head, but my belly, my legs, my shoes, everything that is on the, you know, that makes my whole persona. Is my gestalt and that. Includes the things that we're not seeing. It includes the voids beside B between my fingers. That includes the little nuances of the things that I say that I do, how I am, how I behave. All of that is part of my gestalt. It's a holistic being and holistic, not in the sense that we often use it right nowadays in terms of health or spirituality.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
But really the whole being with with all of its ins and outs and all of its what is seen and not seen. So as as the character of Sherlock Holmes, Sir CONAN Doyle has created Sherlock Holmes so beautifully. We want to go and dive a little bit deeper into what Robert Dilts calls the bagel model. And the bagel model goes into five different levels. Now, let me give you the five levels, and then we're going to decipher each level. So the bagel model is B for body language, A for accessing cues, G for gestures, E for eye movements, and L for language patterns. Now, the body language or the body posture, when we are deciphering or when Sherlock's Sherlock Holmes is paying attention and observing and not mind reading, not jumping to conclusions, certainly not tapping into his gut feeling he's observing how the person is in their body. Are they more lean back with their head kind of up and looking up, or are they more leaning forward with maybe one ear leading a little bit more forward head a little bit tilted or. Is that person more of a shoulders round it a little bit down kind of a little bit forward and down. What is the breathing like? Are they breathing more of a shallow breathing? Are they more of a belly breath? How are their arms? Are they more crossed? Are they more leaning in and somewhere attached to the face? Are they maybe resting on the belly? So all of those cues in body posture, let me decipher that where that goes. He has taken in and becoming a master. And CONAN Doyle, absolutely. As he's writing it, became a master of the bagel model to create Sherlock Holmes. So the leaning back with head and shoulders up and a shallow breathing that is an insight to a person that visualizes things. So we all take in information differently and we create our own representation of what things are going on outward. So a person that takes an information visually and stores this information visually has more of a shallow breathing and is more kind of straight up and and head a little bit up. The auditory is more leaning in and perhaps even holding their finger to their ear and and tilted their head a little bit so they can hear even better the resting the hands on the belly, the being connected to their feelings as their shoulders are rounded and their body postures a little bit more forward, they have a deep belly breathing that is an indication of a kinesthetic representational system.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
So a person that is taking in information can esthetically auditory or visually. Now, that was the B of bagel, the a r the accessing cue. So when people are taking in information, there are certain each different personality type takes in information differently or or representational type takes in information differently, and therefore the visual has more, as I already said, a shallow breathing, perhaps even squinting their eyes and envisioning something as they are looking up, or the auditory person is more of a perhaps even playing a tune or repeating something back in their head. The kinesthetic might even give you a clue of when they're looking for words. They might even say, Hmm, how do you say? And they're they're they're feeling the words that they want to use. So these accessing cues often come in a very subliminal way. They will give away in the face. And in NLP terms we call that calibrating to these very minimal accessing cues. So you can then have a deeper insight. What is that person? In which representational system does that person operate? Then we have the G in the bagel method or in the bagel strategy, and that is for gestures, the the kinesthetic, the gestures are touching their chest, touching their stomach. As I said earlier, often if they're stressed, they will show you in their neck. And as they're touching their head, the the visual is more of a well, you know, as I'm envisioning this and as I can see it, I had a call with a client yesterday and she's highly visual and she put things that she was seeing actually in space in front of me. So to for her to actually see it what she was talking about, although it wasn't there, the auditory, you know, pointing their fingers to their ears, touching their mouth or their mouth area, perhaps even working with their tonalities of cadence and voice fluctuation. So that's the G in the bagel. The E in the bagel strategy are the eye movements. The visual eye movements are up. When the eyes go up, they either go up to visual remember, or they go up to visual construct. When we remember something that we have heard, it will go our eyes will go over to the ears.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Visual, auditory, remember, auditory construct. And when we are in self talk, auditory digital, we lean down and we have a conversation internally with our self. And over here we are so connected to our feelings. That's where the kinesthetic are often. So when you are dealing with a person that's very much in their feelings or depressed, they're often kind of hunched over in their feelings. They're sad, and the way that you can change that is have them look up into a brighter future. So visual, auditory, kinesthetic, auditory digital, auditory digital are the ones that are in their head thinking. I'll tell you a quick story that is not related to Sherlock Holmes, but it makes a point. I'm a very visual person, and when you've ever paid attention to my eye accessing or even the words that I'm choosing, the the word catalog that we're going to come to in a second, my eyes will go up. So if I'm thinking I'm either constructing something or I'm remembering something, my eyes are up here. Now when I was in school, German traditional school, and my teacher would ask me something. I would go, I would go. And I was I would be looking for the answer and I would go and my teacher would yell at me and she said, Dad, the answer is not on the ceiling. Well, now we know that the answer for me was actually on the ceiling. So pay attention to because this often it well, it always happens in a subliminal way unless you have the actual lens to now start paying attention to that. So that's the E in the bagel strategy. And then we have the word catalog, the language patterns. That's the L in the bagel strategy. We are looking at the word catalog. What are people in NLP terms we call that predicates? What are people using in their when they're talking? Are they more of an auditory person? Are they using words like hear, listen, sound, resonate, melody, silence, tell, harmonize, loud tune. These are just a few. There are so many more. So are they more of an auditory? Are they using more of an auditory word catalog or are they more of a thinker?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Are they an auditory digital representational system that are using words like think no, consider, sense, experience, understand, learn, process, decide, logic? Or are they more of a visual person that are using words like see, picture, look, image show, reveal, appear, clear view glimpse? Or is that person a highly kinesthetic person and is using words like feel and touch and grasp solid rough heart, warm scratch, sting handle. So when you start paying attention to the phrases and the words that people are using and Sherlock Holmes was a genius at it and really paying attention to the phrases so that I see what you're saying. Yep. I can I can totally draw a visual on that or I'm drawing a complete blank. That person drawing visual. I have a visual in front of me. That person is a visual and operates in the visual representation system. Now if they see once you cannot draw any conclusions, when there is a habitual use of words that are in that visual category, then you can conclude that that person actually is a person that operates in the visual representation system, a person that says, I can grasp that that's an ugly, kinesthetic person. I feel that in my gut that that is absolutely that feels right to me. That is a kinesthetic representational system. If someone says, Yeah, that really rings a bell or that rings true to me or that resonates with me. Auditory person If someone says, I still have to think about that, I got to process all that information. Definitely a auditory digital. Now auditory digital rep systems are wonderful rep systems as they all are. There is not one better or superior to the other. There is only what is. And I'm I'm highly visual. As I already shared with you, my husband is highly auditory digital. So what I need to see, he processes internally. So when we drive on a family vacation down to Florida, my husband for hours has an entire movie created in his head of things that he's talking to himself about. And there are times when he then leans over as he's driving and he says, What do you think, honey? And I say, Listen, I wasn't in on the conversation the last 5 hours.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
You had that full blown conversation all with yourself. So I could then, if I would want to get more information to conclude of what was going on in his head. And that is a whole nother concept that is called ecology. We're not going to talk about that today, but I do want to play a deep gratitude and tribute to Sherlock Holmes and the writer and the the father of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur CONAN Doyle. And I hope that you are using some of these cues and clues of the bagel model to start. Painting a deeper intention of what people are saying or what are they doing? Because we're not mind readers. You're not a mind reader. Often as humans, we tend to jump to conclusions because we just don't have time for that. We don't want to ask more questions or we're like, Oh, I've seen this before. I remember this, and last time it was this or This time must be the same thing. Don't ever fall into that trap. Make use of the bagel model. Make use of the five levels that I just gave you and make it an effort and a point to listen on a deeper level, to observe on a deeper, deeper level, to pay attention on a deeper level, and also look at what is not being said. What are you not hearing and investigate more on that. So I leave you with that. That was a glimpse into the genius success pattern of Sherlock Holmes. And I thank you for being here. I thank you. Oh, before I let you let you go, I do have I do have a few little announcements and gifts for you. So if you want to have these cards that will definitely help you, you can go on our center of NLP Dotcom Shop. They are there, they're $25. I've created them for a trading I did for a large organization and they use it so you can get it there. They're great help. And then I have a challenge for you before I let you go. I have a challenge for you to. If this is all new to you, choose one of the five categories that I just shared with you from the Bagels strategy and focus on one.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
So if it is the word catalog, you definitely want to have the cards. If it is the body language, start paying attention to the body language. The accessing cues are probably going to be a little bit harder and the eye movements are going to be a little bit harder. So if this is completely new to you, start paying attention to the words and the body language and choose one. And when you're good at observing and deciphering one, then you can add another one. Don't start with all five, because if you try to focus on all of them, you're not going to see anything. So I want to thank our sponsor, the Center of NLP, and that is where you're going to find these cards. So all you've got to do is go to center of NLP slash shop and the cards are right there and go get yours because you will want to use them. You're not going to I'm not going to say you're going to become Sherlock Holmes, but you're definitely going to become a better communicator. I leave you with this. Thank you for being here. Tune in again next week, Tuesday, same time, same place, and I will see you then. Ciao for now. Thank you for tuning in to the Success Pattern Show at www.TheSuccessPatternsShow.com My name is Brigitta Hoeferle.

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Brigitta Hoeferle

Success Patterns of Genius: Sherlock Holmes

A Success Pattern is simply an example for others to follow.

In this show, we are applying the tools and strategies of NLP to decode geniuses minds so you may then encode your own genius for your own success, as we map out the key features of the mind that will allow our own thoughts to soar with the giants of history.

The purpose of the “Success Patterns of Geniuses“ series is to reflect on the Thinking Process of Sherlock Holmes, although a character from fiction, we are able to decipher the behavioral areas in which he operated in to identify his unique and powerful strategy for analyzing, problem-solving and creating.

Enhance your own creativity, problem-solving ability and profitability by learning from the best.

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