Special Guest Expert - Dr. Joseph Nantomah

Special Guest Expert - Joseph Nantomah: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Joseph Nantomah: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
How many times have you said to yourself, I'm going to succeed? And yet you keep coming up short. You probably noticed that high achievers with heart. Do things differently, but you just can't put your finger on it. You're curious about why high achievers accomplish more and have more satisfying relationships. It's because success is the result of your mindset and the consistent actions you take. This show is designed with your success in mind by revealing these powerful patterns of our dynamic individuals and guest experts. You can model what they do and apply it to your future success. Now let's roll up our sleeves and get started. My name is Brigitta Hoeferle and this is the Success Patterns Show. And happy Tuesday, everyone. Here are the golden nuggets and here is the Golden Nugget. Success patterns are more valuable than ideas. Let me explain. Ideas, while very powerful, require trial and error and a lot of time to put into action. Just think about manufacturing. First, you have an idea, then a proof of concept, then a working prototype, then small production batches, and finally a full scale production. This takes months, maybe even years. And you may have met some people who are collectors of great ideas but do little else. Forget everything that you have heard about ideas. You're not looking for ideas. You are looking for success patterns. Success patterns are different. Success patterns are better. Why? Well, success patterns are proven. Have a logical sequence of steps to follow, have an action imperative and deliver consistent results. In our show today, which is content rich, you want to make sure that you have something to write with and something to write on. You're going to learn valuable success patterns from our very special guest. We have a doctor in the house. It's not a doctor, as you might envision. A doctor. His name is Doctor Joseph Nantimi and he's a notable and sought after millionaire investor from Africa because in 2016, Doctor Nantimi and his family emigrated from Africa to Wisconsin in the United States with $4,700 to their name. And out of that, and with the help of his mentors here in the US, he built a real estate empire and in and assets that are currently valued at over $23 million and it continues to grow. Doctor Natoma owns and operates 16 businesses as real estate investor and I'm pretty sure it's already growing as we speak. He's a mentor. He's a serial entrepreneur and a life coach and doctor. Joseph Natomas mentors individuals. He mentors individuals and groups with a focus on building and maintaining generational wealth with real estate and investing. Let's jump right in and get started. Welcome, Doctor. Joseph Non-tumor.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
At the end of the day, you have to always look at the long run. You always have to look at the long term result, not just what you're seeing right now. There's a whole lot that is involved in life I have seen. I am only for the six. I'm not the oldest guy in the room, but I have seen things 80 years old cannot even comprehend. So I have always walked with wisdom and knowledge. And that has been my secret.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Yes. So wisdom versus knowledge. Now, now, September, September 29th through October 1st is the African America Wealth Conference. Does anyone get in? I mean, how do people get tickets?

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
How to my website it's Joseph natoma.com/events the moment you get to my website Joseph my name my Joseph that's it Joseph to my.com You just go there you get your ticket you know tickets are selling fast I want to let you know because a lot of people are going to be there. We are looking at really helping people and it's going to be amazing. The quality of people that are coming up are going to add so much value. The value is like here, you know, so and how did I get here? I got here by building relationships. So if you are out there, you're struggling. You know, you're thinking, what are you going to do next? This is an opportunity for you to build relationships. I tell people, don't go after the money, go after the relationships. When you go after the relationships, those people will show you where the money is.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
That's right. So relationships, wisdom versus knowledge, tenacity, not showing up, not taking no for an answer.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
No, no. Don't take no for an answer. Next opportunity. You know, I have this thing. I always tell my managers when they come, they're like, oh, they saw the deal didn't work. I'm like, the next one. And go for the next one. I mean, you're allowed to cry for 30s. I understand that. But don't sit down there for three days and whining like I'm in the real estate business. Look at your window. Hey, everything out there is real estate. Like, you know what I'm saying? You're flying. What do you see? Real estate all over the place.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
But you're not. So you're in Baltimore right now. You're not just looking at the real estate. You're looking at the entire business that comes with real estate.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Yeah, I am not. You know what I'm here to do? I'm here to buy an assistant. Living home assistant. Living home. That's what I'm here to buy right now. You know, there are so many. I started a new business. Buy a business. Us When I tell people I want to own half of America. They think I'm kidding. I'm not kidding. No, you're not. So right now you're not. I started buying Business USA in December and already have three businesses. I have a laundry business that I bought. I got a liquidation center. So when the big companies, all the big companies, I don't want to start naming names. We're selling furnitures beds. This, that, that when they clear out their warehouse and start bringing new ones, where do you think they take it to? They put it somewhere. So we have a liquidation center where we make close to 60 to $100,000 every single month.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
How much?

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
60 to 100,000 every month. So we take the bet. They're not old. They just. They say it's old. I say it's not right. It's a bet. It's just. What do you do on the bed? You just sleep on it, right? So we clear out this thing almost on a cents. On a dollar. We clear out everything. We take it to our liquidation center and people come buy it, Right? So I have that now in Wisconsin. And it was bought by by a business USA. And today, you know, in the next few hours, I'll be at the center, the ladies 20 The lady has been doing this for 28 years. She's tired. She's old. Yeah. And she wants to pass the business. I'm buying the license. The building, which is real estate. I'm buying the stuff. I'm buying everything for just 750.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
So share with us a little bit about when you buy a business and you buy it with real estate, do you keep everything in one place? Do you keep everything in one entity or do you split it.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
So you have to split it because the real estate is a different business, right? It's that's the real estate part of the business. Then the other aspect of the business is separate, right? So the other aspect of the business and guess what, I don't need to be a professional there. Like I said, I'm the dumbest guy in the room. Everybody knows everything. So the manager is there, the staffs are there, everybody is there. My job is just to make sure everything is running, everybody is together so they manage the other aspect of the business. I own the real estate, four acres of land. I own it, right? So I can use that real estate to do whatever I want. I can use it to pull out cash. I can do cash out. I can do whatever I want with it. And guess what? I'm not buying it with my money. I'm buying it with somebody else's money. It's called OPM. That's right. So and another thing is you have to learn to duplicate success. You know, it's not just doing it one time. You know, people tell you success is a journey. I'm like, no, success is a process.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Success is. And it comes in patterns.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Yes, it's two different words. You know, the average guy will tell you life is a journey. I'm like, if it's a journey, you don't have a control. Again, wisdom and knowledge, because you see people just go out there and they just say things and because it sounds good, we think is right. Every time we hear people say things that are sounds good, we think is right. The fact that something sounds good does not make it right. You have to be able to sit down and think. When you say life is a journey, that is why you're going like this up and down like a roller coaster. But when you say life is a process, then you have control. You know how you have control. You can decide to say, I'm not going to mingle with this kind of people. I'm going to mingle with this kind of people. You can decide to say, I'm going to show up at this time or I'm not going to show up at this time. You can choose the people you want to talk to. You can choose where you want to go to. You can choose, you know, like I don't let my friends choose me. That is the reason why you always see me with successful people. And you know what's amazing and I'm sorry to say this watch around everywhere I go, I'm the only African there. Because you know what the average African I'm sorry to say this doesn't want to go out there where the people who are doing the hard things are they just want to go do a job at Amazon for $30. Right.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Why is that?

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
So so again, because of the background of where we're coming from. We are content with little things. We don't want to grow. We don't want to do big things. We feel like anybody who is doing something big is actually doing something wrong. You know, like, for example, let me give you a very typical example. I'm just talking about taking opium and buying deals. Do you know people in Africa say, oh, you're going to run into trouble? The average African will be like, I don't want to be in debt. I don't want to be debt. Because when we were growing up, our parents told us debt is a bad thing. Don't take money from nobody. You know that crazy saying, Oh, the person who gives you money is the king. The one who takes the money is the slave. I'm like, where did he get that from? You know.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
That's a belief system. I call it a BS.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
The thing is, there's a good debt and there is a bad debt. You need to know which one you are doing. So if I take money, OPM and I go buy myself a phone. This is not an asset. No, you know, it's not going to give me generate money. But if I take somebody else's money and I go buy a business, I go buy real estate, then I make profit. And out of that money, you and I can split and I use my profit and I buy this phone. There's nothing wrong in it. That's right. Profit to buy what I want. So we didn't know these things. And when I was growing up, that was part of it because it is called a money blueprint mindset. So when you're growing, you have a money blueprint. There is so much you can talk about. You know, I want to come back on this show anyways. Oh, you're going.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
To come back on this show no matter what.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Blueprint Money. Blueprint. When I was growing up, my father was a great man. But he would tell me, Joseph, don't take that. Save money, save money, save money. The more I kept on. So I asked him why? Why am I saving? He said, You're saving for rainy days. And guess what happens? It always rained. Because when I save money and the.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Focus goes.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
We are Africans, we always have ourselves. Somebody else wants to go to school. It was my money they using going to school and I never went to school. Right? Somebody else is dying in the hospital. It was my money. They used to pay the hospital bill. It was my money. They used to do everything. I kept on saving. You know why? Because there is a language that small minded and broke. People understand. So we were saving. Now when I moved away from Africa and I came here. And that's why I always say with my mentors, I started hearing what? Like investing, investing. Let me tell you something. For example, the banks, when you are a consuming customer, you start hearing words like save. Save. Save money. You save this money we're going to give you. When you are at a level of partnership, the bank doesn't tell you to save anymore. The banks start telling you to invest. Think about it. Do you think the bank will go to Elon Musk and say, Come save some money? No. The bank goes to the rich folks, the high players, and they tell them, come, invest. They go to the poor folks and they tell them, come save. Because they're not a language. You understand, right? No bank can come to me right now and say Joseph can save your money. I'm like, what are you talking? I need my money to go. Do you know what I would tell you? Come to the bank. We are going to partner with you to invest and we're going to split in your profit. So you have to understand where you're playing. You know, you're playing in the small waters where, like, save, save, save, save. And that's why they do the ads. They do the ads to the masses. So if, say, if you get 3% or whatever. Right. Three. What are you talking about? I just got a deal where I'm going to be making $150,000 in five months.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Yeah, there you go.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Telling me I should put my money. You're going to give me 3% in a year. What are you talking about? So these are all the money blueprint things. So I, like I said, and this doesn't mean people are bad or good, it just means there's different you know, I tell people, like when I'm teaching people who are working, the guys who are actually working the W-2s, I tell them, I'm not against you working. Don't get me wrong. I'm just telling you there's two paths. There's a different way. You can walk and walk and walk to your 65. Or you can retire when you're 50. I'm going to retire when I'm 50. I just got a 10,000ft² land in Cayman Island just the other month. And I'm going to build a resort there and I'm going to build a penthouse on top of the resort where I'm going to sit there and watch the ocean right when I'm 50, 55. So it's it's it's where do you want to go? Are you going to choose this path or are you going to choose that path? And that doesn't mean you're good or you're bad. It just means.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Where you are in your mindset and where you are and your confidence level. Yeah. So I know that people are listening to this and they're going, Oh my God, I, I am. I am ready to build up my confidence. I am ready to learn from the wisest man in the room. I am ready. How how do people we now know how to get to the wealth conference? But how do people get in touch with you? I think you brought actually send.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Me an email. You can send me an email info at wealth coach.us. That's my email. You can go there. You can actually also book an appointment through my website, but you send me an email. You see I'm in the business of helping people and since I came to the United States and I started working because I don't want to put it in a I didn't learn it. United States started changing lives. I had to wait. But since I started my business, I have helped so many people. And that's how I became successful, because I know the secret of success and everybody out there can teach you knowledge, book, whatever, but I can teach you wisdom. And that's what makes me different. That's right. You know, because when you have wisdom, you have the key. You know, wisdom is the ultimate thing. You know, people just do things. They don't plan. They don't They just wake up and they think they know it all. And that's why you see, even banks are crashing. You know why? Because knowledge will fail you. That's right. But when you take it a little bit higher, you sit down and you look at things from a practical and natural way, not the way everybody does things. You're going to be successful and, you know, take it or leave it. Even the Good Book says there's something called Good success. Right.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
There's. There's the action that will make it a good success.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Yeah, there's the action. So you have to know what good success is. And that's why you see people become successful. And the point they go into bankruptcy. You know, because that's not good success. Good success is a success that comes and stays with you and your next generation and the next generation and the next generation. And unfortunately, you know, the Jewish people know how to practice good success very, very well. You know, credit to them. So you have to sit down and really look at people who are truly successful. And what do you do? Life is monkey see? Monkey do.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Success modeling.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
I'm telling you, it's simple. That's how I tell my kids success.

Brigitta Hoeferle:

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Like and you've been there. When I teach, I like teaching. Like I'm teaching a six year old. I don't want to be using all the whole monkey see, monkey do what is the doing that is successful. Sit down, study it, know it, do the same thing.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
It's not that hard.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
It's simple.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
It's very simple. But you got to get out of your chair. You got to get out of your couch and you got to go in and do it and show up easy.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Just look at what successful people are doing. And there are two ways. Let me drop this. There are two ways to learn and be in the midst of elite. I'm going to break it very fast in a very simple story. I come to Atlanta. I'm in Brigette's house and Brigetta happens to know the the mayor of Atlanta. Right. So I'm there. I came and he's like, oh, this is Joseph. He's in Wisconsin, my friend. And I shake the hands of the mayor and he goes, Question if I meet that mayor? A month later. At the airport. Do you think he's going to recognize me?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Probably not.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
No, because there was no impact. He just met me, shook my hands and go, But you know what the problem is? People expect him to know you. You didn't create any impact. You didn't prove you didn't provide any value. But let me give you another scenario. Come to your house and the mayor is there. He's your friend. And we're talking. I'm like, Wow, mayor. And he's actually doing good stuff. I'm like, I'm seeing all the good stuff you're doing. And I put my hand in my jacket, bring out my checkbook, and I write $1 million. And I'm like, you know what, Mayor? Take this. I want to support all the projects you're doing in Atlanta. One month later, the mayor sees me at the airport. Guess what happens?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Oh, he will know you by name.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Hey, Joseph. How you doing? Right. Come on, come on, come on, come on. The first one is getting to the midst of elite true association. That's what people want. They just want to get there without giving any value, without putting any investment, you're not going to last. The second one is association, true value and investment. When you meet a successful person, bring it doesn't have to be money. Bring some value to them. That's right. Bring some value on the table. They're always going to remember you look, you know, people like, Oh, but he has money. Like money. Yeah. Money is still limited. I cannot be in two places at the same time. Right. The guy who brought me this deal lives in Maryland. I live in Wisconsin. I have my money. I have access to money, but I cannot be in Wisconsin. He goes, he finds the deal. Now, this guy, what do you think? I'm going I'm going to take this guy very seriously. I'm going to give him a lot of opportunities. When I have things, I know where serious things are happening. I'm going to take him there. So always bring value to successful people. When you meet them, they will never forget you.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
That's right. Value is incredibly important. And people people don't realize that in building relationships, in bringing value and value can be such a simple thing of let me connect you with the person that you need to know next.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Yeah, that's it.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
That's value.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Easy, easy. So, you know, there are many things, you know, when we're talking about how successful people build patterns and you know, the opportunities that are available, it's just so many things. But unfortunately, you know, people sit down in the United States and all they can do is complain, talk about what is not working and all that stuff, and not focus on all the things that are working. In fact, when things are not working, I like it because now I'm going to go.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Look for.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Opportunity. Yeah, opportunity. I'm going to go look for solution to make it work. And that's how.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
America is known as the land of opportunity. It's there. All we got to do is action.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
Like right now, there's so much division in the United States. You know how you got to do set up an organization that brings unity? Yes.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Yes, you are.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
If you can make it work, I don't know. It will make it work. If you can bring the next person or the next person and all these different groups and put them in a room and actually have coffee together, you'll be a millionaire.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
And that's that's part of the success pattern. It is having a a a authentic conversation with the other whoever the other is, other skin color, other other other interests, other religious interests, anything other. Right. Joseph, thank you for being on this Success Pattern Show. Thank you for bringing your wisdom. I want to reiterate two things, so get with Joseph info at Wealth Flow coaches to find out more. How to coach with the black mentor or mentoring with the black mentor and then also go and go on Joseph Non-tumor dot com to sign up for the Africa-america Wealth conference in September in Las Vegas end of September and be there, show up, show out because that's how I met Joseph. Exactly. And you'll never know what's going to be next. All you got to do is show up.

Dr. Joseph Nantomah:
That's it.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Joseph, thank you for being on the show. Thank you guys for tuning in to the Success Pattern Show. I will see you again next week, Same time, same place. Until then, thank you for tuning in and you will notice opportunities to apply success patterns daily while eagerly anticipating next week's content rich success patterns.

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Dr. Joseph Nantomah

Dr. Joseph Nantomah has become a notable and sought after millionaire investor from Africa.  In 2016, Nantomah and his family emigrated from Africa to Wisconsin in the United States with just $4,700. With the help of his mentors in the United States, he built real estate assets currently valued at over $23 million which continues to grow. Dr.. Nantomah owns and operates 16 businesses as a Real Estate Investor, Mentor, Serial Entrepreneur and Life Coach.

Connect with Dr. Joseph:

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