Special Guest Expert - JB Owen

Special Guest Expert - Jb Owen: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Jb Owen: this eJwdjstOwzAQRX8lmgWrUDdp-opUoSIgohsWbTfdRMaeBIMfkT2poVX_naTbueeeO1cQzhJaqumvQyhhCykoG4hbgbWSUM5m01VWFFkKog_kTB_Q34N8kS2KeZ4CF8L1g-FOr9bzbJlCo1DL2nIzOhulcdD-RO7bAOUVeq-H8xdRF0rGYoyT1rlWI-9UmAhnmPTqjOycs7EaWHbBQ6z0Nttf3o5mulyr_OUQT7v43tjq-_BcPHFNG4NS8Yfgei9wI1202nF5HKZSIEV6_GTfoVBcJ1WPgZLX3w49JY_J7jP5iGgHsHHecBpI0xVwu_0DSJVf0A:1o44jU:rQASuIBERbEvCT__Pqxrs8eclcU video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Here's the big question. How is it that most entrepreneurs hustle and are always busy and struggle to take just one step forward, only to fall two steps back their dedicated, determined and driven, but only a few finally break through and win. This show uncovers those quantum leap patterns of highly successful people so you can simply model what they do and apply to your future success. That's the question. And the answers are right here. My name is Brigitta Hoeferle, and this is the Success Pattern Show. And that is right. Welcome, everyone, to the Success Pattern Show. My name is Brigitta Hoeferle, as you have already tuned in, I'm so glad that you are here. We put the do in learn, do teach and as the founder of the Success Patterns Movement and the CEO of the Center of NLP, I model that and this is what the show is all about. It's about success modeling. That's why I have incredible people that come on the show as guest experts. And can we agree that success and I'm going to put it in quotation marks, is somewhat of an interesting thing because it shapes its meaning within each individual success seeker and it's not limited to a specific area, business or personal life. Success can bleed over. And I like to say, you know, all all business problems or personal problems and personal problems or business problems, because we are holistic beings and we give success the scaffolding so you can build your empire. And this person that I have today, oh, my goodness, you're going to be blown away. And I don't say this lightly. So with this show, with our guest experts, we decode patterns that led to success of these individuals that I have here on the show and interview them. So you can then encode your own success today, because we're hardwired for hands on application by living teachers. And all of my guest experts are teachers. They're learners, they're leaders. And they're not theoreticians because theoreticians, you know, they talk a good game, but they don't walk the walk. We're grandmasters at work here, and we're all about giving you tips to model success. You're at the right place at the right time.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Stay tuned. As success is already yours. We have some great, great gifts. This guest expert came with not just one or two gifts that came bearing gifts. Now, let me tell you a little bit about this fearless boss lady. She's a highly successful entrepreneur. She's built businesses all around the globe. She focuses on helping others. She's a driven person, a driven female business owner that empowers individuals in their own personal journeys to exactly that success. She's a world class speaker, seven time international bestselling author and powerful business owner. She has a no nonsense style, and that style has catapulted her in the areas of building worldwide brands, manufacturing, award winning product publishing, international bestsellers, and creating multiple platforms in the areas of health, wellness, personal growth and eco conscious improvements. And in conjunction with her keen sense of business, she's also bringing fun, fabulous and feminine touches into everything she does and what she touches. It's going to become pink. You're going to see why she has an incredible acclaimed brand that is called Ignite, and she helps people to ignite their own unique stories and shows them how they can ignite their lives. So be ready. This international bestselling author is ready to ignite you as she is coming on today. And boy, oh, boy, are you in for a treat? If you are in the car, don't do this. But for everyone else, I think it's time for you to get on your feet and give a standing ovation to Miss JB. Oh, and so much. Jb Here.

JB Owen:
Oh, my God. What an incredible intro. Thank you so, so much. I just learned so much from you in the first 4 minutes and 41 seconds. I was like, okay, I can go home now because I got my nuggets of success. Wisdom, thank you so much for being here and just delighted to talk to all of your listeners.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Thank you for taking the time. This is absolutely beautiful. So we have so much in common and clearly or not clear for the listeners, but we have known each other for a long time and I'm like, why not? Why? Why have our paths never cross? And there's so many similarities of our lives. So I don't know why. I don't like to ask the question why. I'd like to question what else can we do and what are we up for to do here? Because you're clearly here to to not just, you know, ignite a fire under one or two people. You're here to change the lives of billions of people.

JB Owen:
Yeah. Thank you for saying that. I mean, our paths have crossed perfectly right now because we are like vibrating in this energy of we can get stuff done and we can work together and we can do our mission together. So I'm really, really grateful that the universe has put us together. And at the same time, yes, I mean, people like you support people like me because I'm a real desire and mission to ignite. A billion lives have a 7 billion impact, moments of shared ignite, moments like it's time. It's time that we did something really incredible for humanity and just make a big difference because we all need to step forward. And I love the name of the show Success Patterns. It's not just in business, it's in it's in relationships, it's in our health, it's in our wellness, it's with our kids. There's so many patterns of success that we can create. And the question is, what is each and every one of our currency of success?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Yeah, that's a great question. So what is your currency of success? What what was what did you want to JB wake up one morning and go, okay, now I'm successful?

JB Owen:
Not at all. I mean, I had a very potentially traditional road to success for women. You know, I started my first business when I was nine. I know that sounds crazy, but I did. But then I went to school, high school, college, and I just did business after business, you know, tried and failed constantly. But for a long time I really tried to do that male version of success. I tried to show up with my briefcase and I would wear a tie. And I was really pushing in the male energy and this is what men really identify success as. And I stumbled and fell and never really felt like I was authentic to me, to my business, to me as a woman. And that's really why I now advocate women have their own unique currency of success. We love collaboration. We want to help one another. We love coming together to support each other. And yet we're also very much humanitarians and we like connection. And there's all these other elements of being a businesswoman. And that's really what I like to focus on as my currency of success and to support other women and finding the same.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
I love everything that you just said because often, you know, we come from the same era of, well, if you want it to be successful, you have to have all of these male attributes. No, we don't. I mean, look at both of us. We're very we're we're very comfortable in our own female skin. And what I also love about what you just said is that as women, we want to support we want to uplift other women. Because I often enough and you've probably experienced this in your own life, I felt like women, you know, these are shoulders to stand on, not to push down. And often, you know, someone comes and goes, nope, let me let me use my let me use your shoulders to push you down, because clearly I should be up there.

JB Owen:
So true. I mean, I faced my own dilemma when I had my very successful company and my husband actually came to work with me at the time. He quit his job to come and work as my CFO and then hired all these other men to come into the business in the C-suite. And very quickly the company changed and morphed so much. And I felt really lost and at the same time criticized because like, Oh, you're too soft and oh, you're too light and oh, you're too easy and oh, you're letting them get their payment, you know, next month instead of this month, and oh, you're giving too much. And it was sort of seen as a as a as a weakness and as an in truth, I felt like if one of my vendors is late for two weeks and they just need some help because they're having a family issue, like why wouldn't I want to maintain that relationship? And two weeks is going to be okay. And why wouldn't I want to be soft and supportive and go and see my vendors in person? Like all of these things were like a dilemma to me. Like, why wouldn't I want to do that in business? And yet it was looked at and frowned upon and I ended up actually closing that business because it just became so out of alignment with me.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Hmm. So you're also doing inventory of what still is me, what still is? Jb What can I put my name to and what is not anymore? So there's the commitment, but there's also the commitment.

JB Owen:
Yeah, absolutely. And I don't know about you or your listeners, but I work 14 to 17 hours a day. I was up at 230 this morning working. I love my business. I and I put a lot of time and effort into my business. If I'm going to work that many hours in my business, I want to be authentic. I want to be me. If I'm fierce and fabulous and pink and I show up and I laugh a little bit loud and I have a little bit of fun and I hug my customers and that's me. And that if I'm going to spend that many hours of the day doing something, I want to do something that's true to me, something that I enjoy and I want to put my heart and soul into it. Otherwise, like, really, why are you doing it if it's not you? If you don't love it, if you don't throw back the curtains at 230 in the morning and be like, I can't wait to get up, then why are you doing it? Because if you're just doing it for the currency of the transaction, then you're never going to sustain yourself. And I love what you said. Learn, do be. I mean, I talk a lot about be do become because so many entrepreneurs are like, I got to do this to become this. And I'm like, No, you got to be who you are. You got to be where you stand. You got to be for what you stand for and then do that. And when you do that, then you will become successful.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Fully agree, fully agree. Now, you said earlier, you know, that people might say you're too you're too loud, you're too you're too soft, you're too this. When we focus on being the two to go, then we're not focusing on who we truly are and what we are here to do, because I can relate to that. Right? My entire life I've heard over a year, two out there, you're too this, you're too that right now. Well, yeah, in your in your in your point of view, maybe I am, but for me, it's perfectly fine. And how do you empower and inspire so many people? How do you do that?

JB Owen:
Well, I really think it comes down to my story. I've been very open with my story. There was a time when I was so embarrassed and hid. I call it my baseball cap. Moments like hiding behind my baseball cap. I didn't want anybody to know that I had failed, that I had divorced again, that I had lost my business. I'd walked away from my business, that I had to go bankrupt, that I was a single mom, that I was struggling to pay things. So I was trying to live a persona. I was trying to live outside of who I really was and in hiding who I really was. I couldn't grow. I couldn't advance because I was hiding behind. Maybe it was ego, maybe it was fear, shame, all of those things. And so when I stepped forward and I finally said, like, yes, this happened to me, yes, I did this. Yes, I made these choices that led to this. It led to that. And yes, this is what the universe put in front of me so I could climb over that hurdle to get to the next thing. People started to pay attention because they were like, Well, you know what? I've been through the same thing or I feel the same way, or if you can do it, maybe I can do it. And it was that authenticity that allowed me to actually really catapult forward. So, you know, I got to be honest, like how liberating to be like, here's who I am, here's how it unfolded and here's where I'm headed. Like, join me. Let's do it together. Despite all of the hardships, because we got to go through hardships. We really, really, really need to crawl over the broken glass to get what we want. Otherwise, I feel like the universe isn't going to give it to you. Nothing gets handed to you. So crawl that over that broken glass, climb that mountain, overcome that challenge. Because when you do, girl, put on your superhero cape and you can do anything.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
I love it. I love that because I know that each and every one has that superhero cape. And you might have seen the little. Visual of the girl. You often see them very simplified drawing of a woman that thinks that our brain would fill in the picture, that it's address and it says it was never a dress, it's a cape. Yeah, I love the the beautiful outline. Right. And I love the cape. And I think we're all superheroes. Just the mere fact that we have kids, that we can give life, that we can give life not just to not not just to children, but also to businesses. And one of my dear, dear friends, Mamie Lambley, and she's also a mentor to me because every time she opens her mouth, there's wisdom falling out of her mouth. And I would say that's for everyone. But she says, do not take my sweetness for weakness. And as women, I think one of our superpowers is that vulnerability that you mentioned earlier.

JB Owen:
And you can be fierce and fabulous at the same time. It's I think the thing is, it's not an all or it's just like you don't have to completely decide to be one way or the other because business is changing. Look how much business has changed in the last two years. Business has changed immensely in the last 30 years that I've been doing business and we've had to evolve graciously. This is the first time ever where I can show up in a boardroom. I can show up in a business and at a function, you know. Jb Own. I will tell you honestly, so many people when I show up, they think I'm a man because they.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Are expecting a man. I love it like.

JB Owen:
Your JB own. I'm like, Yeah. And for the first time ever, showing up like that and being so graciously welcomed into the room, shake the hands, listen to. That's happening now more than ever. And I think why is because women are actually bringing something new to the table. They are really bringing bringing that what is the collaboration here? Everybody gets a chance to speak. How can we do this? So and for for you and me, the legacy piece for me is really important. How do we go beyond ourselves? How do we go beyond this generation, this moment in time, what I'm doing? How do I look beyond what's 20 years from now, 30 years from now, 100 years from now? How can I plant the seeds and lay the foundation in my business right now so that my business and the core values in my business supersede me and go on to amplify and amplify and amplify and ignite more and more people. Because I'm just one person, the big cog, but this one person, we can make a big ripple. And that's, I think, why we're here. That's the reason why we show up in business, is because we want to make that impact, not just for ourselves. And I think that's the shift that many business owners need to realize when you move out of what's in it for me to what's in it for my customer and what's in it for my customers customer. That's really when your business starts to multiply.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Yes. I had this conversation with my daughter this morning as she is creating her pitch. She's in an entrepreneurial high school and she's creating her pitch slides to pitch to a shark tank to fund her her business. Right. And she's talking about all of the great stuff that she's doing. And I said, that needs to come at the end. How are you helping people? What are you doing? Like I like to if you guys follow me before, you know, I'm always looking at the win, win, win. It's not just win win. It's a win win win. How do you win? How do I win? And how does the greater good win? Who else benefits?

JB Owen:
Yeah, I call that the triple win. And in our business, that's one of our core values. We win, but our customers win, our readers win, our customers customers. When we go one step further, we're already doing five X and six X wins. All the proceeds of our book sales go to building a school in Cambodia. So now the kids win, those kids win and their community wins. And so everything we do before any transaction even is a yes. It's like, what's the 3x4x5x win that we can do? And when you do business with that in mind, your business just grows and you become a magnet to people who want to help you. Four and five X Win.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Agreed. Absolutely agreed. So when women in business, men in business, anyone in business, there is a big idea of the mastermind and incredible minds coming together. I had this conversation with a potential client the other day and she's like, I think I'm in the wrong room. And I said, Tell me about the room that you're in. She's like, They're all broken. They all want to keep me small. And I said, Yeah, I think you are in the wrong room. If you feel that way, then I think you need. It's time to look for a new room. So masterminds. Right and if you've ever read and I sure hope that you haven't and I'm talking not to you, J.B., because I know that you probably read it several times, but the book that I'm about to talk about that you guys have read it more than one time, and I constantly go back and it's Napoleon Hills thinking Grow rich and in thinking grow rich, he has this imaginary mastermind around him. Right. Who sits around your imaginary mastermind boardroom?

JB Owen:
Hmm. Well, I have to think of a rich book on my desk, and if I grabbed it, you would see I have tabs. I have little colored like folders. I have like it is like a workbook, like, there is so much in there. But I really agree with you so much, because if the people around you aren't lifting you up, you are in the wrong room, you are around the wrong people. When you have an idea and a suggestion and you share it and someone says, Oh, I know someone who could help you with that. Oh, I know how you could do that. Oh, I've done that. Here, let me show you. That's the thing. When you want to perk your ears up, when people say, Oh, why would you want to do that? Or That's silly, or That doesn't really make sense, or I'd never do that. Then that's your opportunity to say thank you. Thank you for that information, because I see that it's limiting. I see that it's not possible for you. So that gives me the opportunity immediately to go and look for somebody else to go and find another person that can move you forward. I love to say that there's no such thing as no, no is just new option. No is just like new opportunity next. What's next? Because if someone says no, I don't think that'll work. It just means it's no for them not know for you. And so I've been very blessed to surround myself with some of the most amazing people in the industry. I have something called the Legacy Lounge, where I bring in legacy leaders who are actually talking about self development, personal growth, those sorts of things. So it just takes one mentor. I got to I got to be really honest with you, one person pulling you forward, just one person. So who's the person in your mind that you're like, I really, really would love to work with that somebody. Okay, great. So let's see them down the road. Who do you need to work with first to get to you, to the next person that's going to get you to that person that's going to get you to that person.

JB Owen:
Like never lose sight of what you want, but understand that it's like a ladder. You've got to take one step to get to, another step to get to know. You can't just go from the bottom to the top. You've got to go each rung at a time. So look for those people and know that you outgrow people to people will come into your life for a season or a reason, our lifetime. And you're like, Thank you for what you gave me. Now I'm ready to move on. Don't cluster with people that are just keeping you stuck. I could go on and on about this. Use people and say thank you for the gifts that you've given me to get me from here to here. And now I'm ready to move on to the next thing.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
When you when you look back and you look at the entire journey that you have been on, what would be one resource that you have today that you want to kind of travel back in time and bring to the younger?

JB Owen:
Jb Well, you know, I have to be honest, my parents, I really looking back now, there were times when my parents were just trying to give me advice and I was so not listening. And I have a 17 year old and a six year old and a 14 year old. And I just sometimes be like, wow, like they just don't want to listen. And we have so much wisdom to pour into them. So in a lot of ways I do wish that I listened to my parents more and about interesting things that we didn't learn in school. Like we didn't learn how to balance our checkbook in school. We didn't learn how to apply for a mortgage in school. We didn't learn how to like do negotiation and contract creation in school. So a lot of times I would look back and be like, you know, my parents really had some value. Now there are lots of things my parents knew nothing about. I took the direction to get into fashion, so I looked for people who were doing what I wanted to be, what was the thing that I wanted? Who was doing that? How do I get close to them? And I'll tell you, one of my most important jobs I got out of college, I literally went to apply for it. She told me, no, she wouldn't hire me four times. I finally said, Let me work here a week for free and you don't have to pay me anything and let me just prove myself. And if I don't if I don't live up to what I. What you expect. Thank you. You don't have to pay me. I'll go home. And of course, I worked with her for two years. We did an incredible job together. I mentioned that to my 17 year old. He's like, What? Work for free? What are you talking about? I'm like, If you want something that bad, of course you're going to work for free. You're going to do anything you can to get next to that person and get into that opportunity to shine. If it means working for free for a week. Hello. If that's going to turn into your dream job, do it.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Over, under, around and through. Whatever it takes, I will do. That's one of my core values that I teach my children. And they're like, Oh, that's what you mean by that? Yeah. So I totally oh, my gosh, I totally get what you're saying. So parents, yes, they're a great resource. And sometimes we don't have the lenses yet to see the the richness of resource that we have in our parents.

JB Owen:
You know, it's it's tough to a relationship because I wrote a book in 2003 about the the dynamics between adult children and their and their parents. The interesting thing is, I'm not a child anymore, but I still am your child. So that's the that's the teeter totter of that. But if you can look at something from a perspective from your parents, from your family, from people you know, I have a very successful uncle. He would always say to me, look, if you got a problem, just earn more money. And I feel like it's a great it's actually it's a great solution because a lot of times you haggle over money. A lot of times you don't do things because of money. A lot of times you get into conflict with people because you don't want to pay them and stuff like that. And he would always say, Look, if you got a problem, just earn more money, because as soon as you earn more money, you ease up all of that tension and all of that expectation. And when he meant like earn more money, it puts you into action. It doesn't put you into victim or into blame or into like expectations. So as linear as it is, just earn more money. It really what it does is it puts you into solution. Okay. How can I what can I do to earn more money to fix this situation?

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Great advice. That's that's a success pattern right there. I mean, we have been dropping success patterns after success pattern. What would you say looking over your entire life with your kids and with, you know, going through businesses? And yes, you know what? Sometimes our businesses are not we either have to cut the cord and say it didn't work out and then we start over again or we're going to clean the slate and start over in that way. What would you say was the overarching trend or the or the constantly appearing success pattern that has been driving your year life?

JB Owen:
Well, great question. I mean, people could probably tell you if if they were sharing like she just doesn't stop. And I would say that that really is my overarching thing. Like, there is so no such thing as no for me, there is no such thing as impossible. My paradigm is anything and everything is possible. Now, it may not be what you think. It may not be unfolding during on your time pattern. It may not be exactly unfolding the way you think it should happen. Every single thing that you desire only comes to you because you you are capable of bringing it into being. Now, think about that for a minute. You cannot have a desire or a want without the fact that that desire is possible for you. If I decided, like I wanted to be a contortionist, I don't have that desire because probably my body doesn't really actually do that. But if I have the desire that I want to work with the Dalai Lama or I want to publish, you know, the 100 books, or I want to get 1000 authors or I want to reach 7 billion people. I only have that desire because in truth, it's actually really possible for me. And if you think about it, you don't have the desire of all your friends. You have so many people, you know that they want to go and do something. You're like, Yeah, that's not for me. What is for you is for you. Because what you want wants you, what you want, wants you. It wants to come to you. It wants you to bring it to life. It wants you to unpack it. And if you sit in the room with 20 doors in front of you and thinking like, which one should I choose? Which one should I choose? Which one would be best? I could choose this one. I could choose that one. What's going to happen? You're just going to sit there and nothing's going to unfold. So get up from wherever you are right now and go and open one of those doors. Because when you open that door, that door will open up into a new room that has a new bunch of players in it, a new bunch of people, a new bunch of opportunities with a whole bunch more doors. And that door will open to another door to another door. If you just sit unable to decide which door to open, nothing will unfold for you and what you want wants you. I would say that's the biggest thing. Every time I have a big idea.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
That again, say that again what you want.

JB Owen:
Wants you and so.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
I'm boy.

JB Owen:
Right I'm going to cycle. So last year my husband and I were crazy. We love to cycle on our ten and bike. We were cycling to Alaska at six.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Cycling on a bicycle. Well, in your case, on a tandem bike. Yeah, tandem.

JB Owen:
Bike. Bicycling up a mountain. Like, think about how many mountain ranges we had to go through to get to Alaska on our bike. Like we're talking 47 kilometers of uphill nonstop. You are pedaling uphill for 47 kilometers.

Brigitta Hoeferle:

JB Owen:
With bears and moose and caribou and eagles. And and we were, you know, and it it was hard. It was so hard. And there was one time where I was like, you know, this is hard. And I was thinking about Navy SEALs and I was thinking about when Navy SEALs give up and they ring the bell. And I was thinking like that Navy SEAL has to be conditioned to get through Navy. Seal training. And so I said to myself, like, I'm just a pup. Like, I'm a baby seal. Like, I just got to keep going. Keep going. And I started this mantra on the bike seal pups don't give.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Up seal, pups.

JB Owen:
Don't give up. And I just kept cycling. I kept cycling. And at one point I said to my I was like, Wouldn't it be crazy if we did 10,000 kilometers like this? Wouldn't that be so crazy? And he's like, Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, guess who's cycling 10,000 kilometers this summer, right? You just got to get to that goal. If you believe it, it will come true and what you want wants you. And so, hey, this summer we're going to cycle 10,000 kilometers because nothing is in a desire for you unless you are capable of doing it. So go after your desires.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
How can people follow that journey?

JB Owen:
Yeah. So you can go to ignite youth life and we have this amazing challenge now. We are so excited because you can actually sign up and join us on that 10,000 K and we're doing something so cool you can cycle or ride or swim or walk and follow us along. You'll get your little ticket, your little tracker on our thing. But we because we're a publishing house, if you read or you write, you can also convert that into miles and you can go along the journey with us. And we have race medals and we have all kinds of fun stuff. So yeah, go to ignite your life and you can sign up for our, our challenge, our Ignite Humanity challenge.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Oh, I love it. Ignite you life. Ignite why? Oh, you life ignite you that life. And you brought some other gifts for us. I mean, you just came with a big bag of gifts, didn't you?

JB Owen:
Yeah. Let me talk about affirmation. So the truth is, we all have that input of, like, you can't do it. It's not possible. My dad used to always say to me, Give your head a shake. That's ridiculous and sort of embedded. So we want to switch those mantras into the new into the what is possible. And so I've created an audio for you to listen to. It's called Affirmations of a Billionaire. And for me, billionaire is not 000000. It's not about the zeros, it's about the impact. It's about the touch points. You can create a billion smiles, you can create a billion memories. You can touch a billion lives, you can hug a billion people. Like these are so many other currencies when we talk about currencies in that billionaire mindset. And so I have an audio that you can listen to is called Affirmations of a Billionaire really shifting your mind into it's not $1,000,000,000. And I really I think that's one of my missions is to inspire people that that billionaire consciousness. It's not about the money. It's about the impact that you can make on generations after generations, billions of people's lives. You've got to think differently when you're thinking in billionaire terms. It's not just a bunch of zeros on the page.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Yeah, yeah. I love that. Wealth comes in so many other currencies than money. Money. I this is my my mindset. Money is the byproduct. Money is the result of it all. But you've got to put in all of the work first. So the free affirmations meditation is under institute that ignite your life, that ignite you that life. Slash affirmations, dash, ignite, dash possibilities. It's down here as well. And then you brought one more thing for us. What?

JB Owen:

Brigitta Hoeferle:
So I asked people.

JB Owen:
Do you know this is a fun story? I had a mentor and he was $150,000 to mentor with him for the year. And at that time, that was like, what? That's crazy, right? How am I going to pay a mentor that much? But I want to tell you, I stretched everything in me to know that if I wanted to be the person that was mentoring people to get to here, I too needed to be mentor. And so you don't need to mentor with someone at 150,000 unless you've done somebody at $100 a month and $200 a month and 1000 a month, and you've decided that you're going to work your way up that ladder. But one of his practices was I had to text him every single day before noon with my three gratitude, or he would find me 1000 a day. So it made.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
Me like absolutely.

JB Owen:
Get on task, right? So I wasn't going to pay $1,000 a day. So I was every single morning before noon, I was texting him my three gratitude. And what was happening was it was creating a very consistent pattern in me. And what I found was that consistent pattern every single day of doing that task, of focusing on what I was grateful for and then sharing it with my mentor, really created an incredible amount of abundance in my life. And so, of course, I know that everybody can't have that kind of expense for a mentor. So what I did was create I'm going to text you every single day what's possible for you. And all you need to do is sign up to my mentor program. My free gift is to give it to you for free. And on your phone you're going to get JB the possibility queen texting you every single day, a reminder of what's possible for you. A task, an action step that you can take to ignite what's possible in you. And it's I've made it so affordable and so easy. But what it is, we all have a phone in our hand. And when we see that prompt, when we remind, we're reminded of, yes, I can do that. Yes, it's possible. What can I make possible today? All these little incremental changes. That's a huge success pattern. If you just move the needle 1% each day after 30 days, imagine what you could accomplish. You're 30 degrees closer to what it is you want if you just give 1% more each day. 90 days later, you're 90% closer to your goal. And so every single day I'm going to text you to remind you what's possible for you so you can just start moving the needle incrementally. And over time that's going to have a huge impact.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
I love that. So if any of this and I'm pretty sure all of this spoke to you get with JB so the virtual mentor program is w-w-what mentor with JB and the first month RE free coupon is when TOR 21 all one chord win two or 21 is the coupon. Jb Oh my gosh, we can go on and on and we actually will. I'm going to have JB back on the show because there's so much there's so much sympathy, there's so much empathy, there's so much greatness, there's so much likeness. And I love to listen to you and learn from you because leaders are learners. And if you don't feel like that's true, then I'm sorry. You're not part of the success patterns movement. That's just how it is. I'm going to be very bold on that. Jb Thank you for being here. What are your last words for our for our community today?

JB Owen:
Well, we're talking about the pink billionaires. So let's just say, you know, I'm not a billionaire in currency. And I'm so proud to say that in a way. I'm not proud to say that. But I'm proud to talk about being the pink billionaire, because what happens is people challenge me about it. People question me about it. People say, like, how can you say you're the pink billionaire when you're not a billionaire? And what it does is it allows me to have the conversation, because if I want to reach billionaire status, I got to start doing it. I got to start acting in that way and thinking in that way. And I look at Madonna and Ice-T and Popcorn and all those people, Lady Gaga, they showed up being that person. They decided that that's who they were going to be. Muhammad Ali decided he was going to be the best. All of the people that you look at, the greats, they're already on the podium. They're already wearing the medal around their neck. They're already showing up knowing that this is where they're going. And they're not letting the fact that they're not that yet stop them. So you got to be do become you've got to be who you want to be. You've got to be who you believe you are. And then you got to do the things that are going to help you get there, because when you do that, you will become that so many people are like, Well, I'm not going to step out until I'm actually there. I'm not going to say I'm that until I am that I'm not going to work on that until it's all fixed and perfect. Nothing is ever going to be perfect. Your business is going to evolve and morph as you do. Your business will only grow as much as you grow. So start doing it, start becoming it, start deciding that it is. You show up being that, declare it, own it, be confident about it, and the world to be like, Yeah, okay, she's the pink billionaire. I get it. I see where she's going. Let's support her. Let's do that. And if you support me today, just think about how many people are going to support you because you have a dream, you have a goal, you have a desire, and it is magnificent and wonderful and you want it. So it wants you.

Brigitta Hoeferle:
I love that. There's nothing I want to add. Thank you, JB, for taking the time out of your productive day. Thank you guys for tuning in to the Success Pattern Show. We're going to come live to you again next Tuesday, same time, same place. Tune in then again. Thank you and bye for now. Thank you for tuning in to the Success Pattern Show at www.TheSuccessPatternsShow.com my name is Brigitta Hoeferle.

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JB Owen

JB Owen is a fearless female leader and highly successful entrepreneur. Having built businesses that span the globe, JB’s true focus is on helping others. She is driven to empower individuals in their own personal journeys to success. She is a world-class speaker, 17-time international best-selling author, and powerful business owner. Her no-nonsense style has catapulted her in the areas of building worldwide brands, manufacturing award-winning products, publishing international bestsellers, and creating multiple platforms in the areas of health, wellness, personal growth, and eco-conscious improvements. In conjunction with her keen sense of business, JB also brings fun, fabulous, and feminine touches into everything she does. She combines ferocity with femininity in a new and innovative business style. Through her acclaimed brand, Ignite, JB helps people tell their unique stories and shows them how they can ‘Ignite’ their lives. Her international best-selling compilation books have reached best-seller status in over 12 countries and feature esteemed authors spanning the globe. Ignite is the leader in empowerment publishing and JB is committed to igniting a billion lives.

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