Special Guest Expert - Luca Di Camillo

Special Guest Expert - Luca Di Camillo.mp4: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Luca Di Camillo.mp4: this eJwljlFLwzAUhf9KyYNP3WrbdauFIVOnKA6G4steSkhu69WkCcnNsjH2323x8Z7D9517YcIMBAO1dLbAGrZhKcPBEx8EtChZU6yquijLKmUieDI6eHD_xTJfLqoiZVwIE0bDFJb1XZWvUtYhKNkOXE_ODhWM2t_IXe9Zc2HBqTH-JrK-ybIY47w3plfALfq5MDqTDo-QHYtsQn2W40d8a-vw2t_GZ_sw221Ph8MeN3n9swPs_fmeK1prkMhvvAlOwFqaOCjD5dc4lTJCUtMnnxYEcpW8BPCUbE8WHCWz5D0Injxh8sg1KmXm2i5GqDNOcxqp6bxe_wAUT2RE:1nXQE7:c0pqEZ8FKO-drktmhWcrW0DVQLs video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Here's the big question. How is it that most entrepreneurs hustle and are always busy and struggle to take just one step forward, only to fall two steps back their dedicated, determined and driven, but only a few finally break through and win. This show uncovers those quantum leap patterns of highly successful people so you can simply model what they do and apply to your future success. That's the question. And the answers are right here. My name is Bridget Kelly and this is the Success Pattern Show. And that is right. Welcome everyone to the Success Pattern Show. My name is Brigitta. Hopefully I am the founder of the Success Pattern Show and of the Success Patterns Movement and also the CEO of the Center of NLP. And I couldn't be more excited to be here with you today because you are in for a treat. But before I announce and bring up my guest expert today, I want to tell you a little bit about what our success patterns. So we're decoding success however you define success. Some people say, hey, I've been successful because I actually got out of bed today. That's a success and I celebrate you. Some people say I got X amount of dollars in my bank account. That's a success for me. Awesome. I celebrate that too.

Some people might say I raise the coolest kids. By the way, that would be me and my guest expert, actually. And I would say that's a great success. So however you define success, success can be decoded. So you can encode it with the patterns of that success. So you can continue to learn because if one person can do it, you can do it too. And success is learned best hands on from a living teacher, from a guest expert. And you are right here. You're at the right place at the right time as we're filling your knowledge bank knowledge bank account with those great deposits of these success patterns. So you can model them as one of the laws of the laws of of NLP and the loss of success teaches is that it is modeled and that's exactly what we're here and what we're about. As we were giving you these success patterns and the incredible insight of highly successful people and success might not mean money. So be very mindful of what success might mean to you as we're realizing those steps to success. So success is already yours, whatever you make it mean. So stay tuned. At the end of the show, we have a very special gift for you that's a guideline and a reminder of the loss of success.

So today is a great show. I have an incredible person here that I know very personally as well. He intends to add value to this show with just sharing his successes and his losses, also of his life, his values, the lessons that he's learned along the way from his mistakes that led him to his successes share the transformation that can happen inside of us and about the importance of the energy and the beliefs within us. So he is a no limit energy thinker, constantly researching for ways to improve himself and his life and his family to enhance or change other people's lives even when they are in a normal. And I'm going to put that in quotation marks. Working environments. He says life's life deserves to be lived in full, experiencing the power of love and experiencing it from our souls. When we're touched in the right way, we become unstoppable. On top of that, he's not just an incredible human being. He is also the VP for supply or VP supply chain for Oak Leaf in California for I'm going to say, the largest eyewear company. And his name is Luca DiCamillo. And I have him right here. And we hear the applause and the thunder, the people.



I believe that.

It's so good to have you here. How are you?

Thank you. I'm so happy to be here. Thank you very much for inviting me.

I look at and I want to give you a little bit of a back story and then I'll let Luca talk. Luca's family has traveled, I'm going to say, literally throughout the world for his job. And I'm actually look at why don't you tell the story? You know it much better than I do. Yeah.

So. Good afternoon. Good morning. Good. Everything everywhere in the world where you guys are. Yeah. So we traveled a lot. So we are in California after a long, long trip. We were Italian, so we started our journey definitely in Italy where we have our roots. And then after years there, we traveled to China, leaving the Asian environment for about three years. It was an amazing experience. Way beyond our imagination and expectation. And then and then these are this fantastic company where I work with. They offer me the possibility to go and live the American dream. So I flew over to Atlanta, in Georgia, in in on the East Coast, on the west, on the east coast of the US. And I've been there for three years and that is where actually I met my fantastic and loved friend Brigitta. And then from there, after three years we, we moved to California where we just came here a little bit less than one year ago. So here we are. We this is our journey around the world with my family.

Like literally and and, you know, you guys are young and you're a young family. You have how many kids?

We have three kids.

Three kids?

Yes, we have three kids. And thank you for telling me that we are young, by the way.

Look, we are what we believe, right? Yes, absolutely. Or we are what we feel. Well, anyway, so you have three kids and one the. Your your oldest was born in Italy.

Yeah, yeah. Leonardo is in Italy.

Leonardo was born in Italy and he started growing up in China with you as you were in China. And he picked up some and I know Leo in real life and I saw him of how just open minded he is with different foods and with different thoughts and it just really shaped him. And I want to talk about that. Luca, tell us more about those rituals, those habits that you have picked up, not just from your own culture from Italy, but also from the other cultures that you have started to call home.

Yeah. Yeah. And that's a great definition. So everywhere we have been, we try to be home, right? So the main I would not say secret, but our great opportunity was to travel. And everywhere we went, we, we were feeling home. So we, we you can really move wherever you want, the home where you are, it's your family. So regardless where you where you, where you are in that moment, what we're trying to inspire our our, our, our kids. In this case, Leo was really to live the life in full. So regardless, where is your family or your friends, or if you are in China or wherever you are, you have opportunities to experience the life. And honestly, more than us, Bridget are telling them what to do is then they're inspiring us. So we lost them as a as a adults one day, sometimes a long time ago, the pleasure and the and the happiness to be kids. Right? So we need to learn from them, not as them teaching them something. So we just have to this is the way we try to approach our kids, really reflecting their energy and staying with them and living the way they live. Life is and honestly, we cannot do it because they are full of energy. So once they are the half of the day we are tired and that then they are still going, going, going. So this is really the lesson we are teaching our our kids. It's really live your life in full. Don't don't lose time on complain or anything because there is so much bad information and bad things out there that we are so lucky. So just live with it.

And and I am so appreciate what you just said. If we can just just sometimes plug into that inner child that still lives within us. I know it lives within me. And sometimes she just wants to come out and play right where I have to work, where adult Brigitta says, No, it's not that time. And the little one inside of me says, But I want to come out and I want to be there is there is a there is an ease. There is energy. There is beauty in being. Looking for the little nuances in life. Not the big ones.


But the little pleasures. And I love what you just said. And if we can all just plug in and tap into that inner child that's living within all of us just once in a while and let it come out. Because quite honestly, guys in Luke, I'm pretty sure you know that growing up, it's a scam. Don't do it.


It's a total scam.

I'm going to tell them. Don't do. Don't grow up, guys. Stay always with us. But we know it's not going to be. It's not going to happen.

No. And eventually you do want them to move out. Trust me.

I mean, you say a great thing. So this inner child, honestly, my philosophy on even in the work environment, right. So the people are always child. It's which kind of our child side comes out because it comes out fear it comes out. I don't know everything that as a child we leave them some when we are adult, we are just child, that we inflate the bad or the good of being child. So it's just balancing out more to take out the good part, to be faithful, to be energized, to be hopeful, to be joyful, instead of just taking out the bad humor, the bad sensation. So really often it's about fear because when you fear a lot of other things and then when you're when you're big, you just take those fears and you bring them on and on and on and you forget how to be the good side of your childhood.

Wow. Those are some those are some real truth nuggets and some real profound wisdom that you're dropping here, Luka. And I wonder. Were you born that way? Were you? Were you. Did you grow up with that kind of mindset where you would say, Oh, the glass is half full and, oh, you know, I want to plug into the child that supports me, that inner child that supports me, not the inner child that's throwing a tantrum.

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I mean, this is the million dollar question, right, Bridget? So I don't know if we have 3 hours and have to just answer that. Now, it's I think we are a combination of a lot of things and our life is a result of being lucky and being good. So I have a very good life. I cannot complain. I'm not the kind of person that can regret with the parents or with a childhood on the bad life. I grew up in Italy, a beautiful country. My parents are a beautiful person. I love them. I have great grand grandparents that all of them inspired me in a different way. How to live the life in full, how to be faithful with God and with ourselves. How to believe in ourselves in the others, and honestly, often just showing themselves for who they are, not hiding themselves. So I always leave the there way of being. So that taught me how sometimes I want to follow that direction and how sometimes I don't want to follow it. So I was conscious of the both sides and this is what my family gave me and I'm still thankful for everything. I live with them and for everything they do to me every single day. And then on the other side, you need to have the right person close to you. That's the other big piece of the cake.

So you need to have the friend that helps you when you need it. You need to be full of God and full of some soul within you that helps you in the tough moment. And sometimes you get you made the wrong person and that that screw up potentially whatever was good up to that moment. And then sometimes you then you find other opportunities. So you you find the love of your life or you find the work of your life. So it's really a combination. It's hard to say why I am who I am. What I can say is that I'm thankful to to whatever I leave to my parents, to the love of my life, that it's Manuela and that she's the cousin of my best friend. And I'm so thankful for all of this connection I have with you and with your family. And it's really leaving every single moment with success. That is what I define by success. It's just living your life, not giving away or giving up everything, anything because there is one. There is going to be one March 22nd for in the entire history for the 2022. This is this is the only day it's going to happen for the entire life of the human being. There is not going to be a repetition of this day. So if you waste it, it's gone completely.

It's gone. Time is our most precious commodity that we have. And a lot of us just kind of. Yeah. You know, then I have the next moment and the next moment. No, that's not how I. How I believe it is. And I know that you don't believe that either. And you said so many wonderful things and focusing on mine or the love of your life and focusing on your family. And we know that. I know personally that family comes first. And that's a success pattern all in itself, because so many people that are striving to be successful put their family on the back burner just to run for something that might not be when they get to it. Something that they truly want. Right. And they neglect their family. And for you, family comes first and first. Family comes first. And there's a there's a positive thinking kind of aspect in that. But what is positive thinking? How do you define positive thinking?

So I'm the I'm the optimism. If I if you talk to my to my to my sister in law, she's going to say, look, you are an optimist every time you try to be a positive thing. So I. So life is complex for everyone. And every one of us has a lot of issues and problems. Right. So the positive part of of life, it's just taking everything that happens to you in in the best way that can be profitable for you. So the positive thinking is not just saying everything is going to be good, everything is going to be great, but be conscious of what's happening on you or around you or inside you and just taking advantage of it. So how can I use this situation, this moment, to become a better person to help other people? How what I meant, what am I learning? Because and this happens also to me as so many times, you experience something really bad, and then after a while you go back to your previous life, right? So or when you do an LTP course or any motivational course, you do fantastic. You think that you're going to conquer the world. Then you go out of the course, the course finish, the end goes off, and then the day after you go back to be the the normal person you were. So the boss is thinking is just reminding yourself that there is something more that you can experience and and trying to, as you say, strive and concrete day after day with with a lot of pain because it's being positive. It's not easy. That's the problem. Being positive is nothing that we are always positive, but it doesn't come for free. It's a fire that I have to that we have to engage every day. Otherwise I'm not going to be positive because the fire, if you don't feel it, it's going to it's going to die. The fight.

So you're saying the fire within you, the positive thinking is intrinsic. It doesn't happen necessarily from a motivational speaker or someone that might be giving you a pep talk every morning going, You can do it, Luca, you can do it. Right? It's something within you that you that you have either owned your entire life or you have owned it, applied it at some point intentionally. And and you and you constantly work on it. And just because you are a positive thinker, Luca, does that mean that you never have challenges in your life, that you never have losses, that you never have pain in your life?

No, definitely not. And so, first of all, as you said, being positive is just the result of habits. So just reminding yourself and conquering that little piece every day and then you're you're arriving to be to have problems with your life. We we we had big losses with my wife, with my with my family. We we lost a baby. And how can we say that was a good moment? How can you say that you are positive in that moment? Right. And so many other people in this moment are experiencing so many terrible things. And every one of us had very bad moments and I have bad moments at work. So I was failing. I was behaving not properly. So I think that being positive is just recognizing and acknowledging the fact that we are human so we can do mistakes. And the human being is by nature not perfect. So we need to recognize the fact that we are different and leverage on the difference and just get inspired. Okay, so what this situation can tell me what what did I learn from my mistakes, why I was mistaken? And then you start to understand that you are successful because you are not doing the best. You are not, as you say, earning a lot of money, are not conquering that position in that company. But you are just happy on what you do. You are happy that when you wake up you know that you can give something to someone else or to yourself and something in some way goes back to you. That is the definition for me of success. And it comes through pain because it's a it's kind of a it's kind of a the it's the Italian, I hope to say.


Yes, it's a pendulum. Right. So you cannot go right if you don't go left. So you cannot be happy if you don't feel pain. You cannot be successful. If you don't feel failure, there is no way. The only way is to not feel failure. It's not being successful. So slowly you are going to stop and and be stagnant. Right. So not moving. So then your secret is just moving as strongly as you can to experience everything. As I'm saying is usually I was when I was in my beginning of my career, I was working in NLP and motivational courses and companies with the subfield of Internet of Things and there was a great definition is if you don't fly high, you are never going to see the independent, the view in front of you. You're never going to see what the word is, right? So fly high and then eventually, yes, you can collapse and you can have you can get hurt really a lot. But you're going to say, wow, while if you don't fly high, you're never going to say wow. So I want to I want to say wow in my life.

Yeah, I say wow right now because you're flying high and, you know, VP of supply chains in your work, I would assume and we haven't talked about this at all, but I would assume that your work right now is very challenging because we know, or at least we have a glimpse into how backed up the supply chain really is. So it makes your job on a day to day basis very challenging.

Yeah. And they have to be thankful for this situation because nobody knew what the supply chain was as a job.

And you know.

Now, now that inflation and we talk about supply chain, we became the most important person of the company, right? Or the most blamed one.

So let's look at because it's back.

So we have a problem. The light goes off. Okay, let's call the supply chain. They can help. So, I mean, supply chain, it's my job. I'm so happy where I am. It's I'm working on a fantastic company that it's not just a big piece of the market in terms of the power, but it's really leading the edge of the innovation and gives not just to the employees, but to everyone really a lot of opportunities to see the life in a better way. Right. And it doesn't want to sound like an advertisement, but I'm just really happy to have this company around me that. It gives me so many opportunities. Being a VP of supply chain just means trying to connect different needs and overcome obstacles. So the supply chain in this moment is backed up everywhere, especially here in in California and Los Angeles. The port is stock and there are so many complexities. So the complex part is to make sure that everyone around you so your suppliers, the production, the manufacturing, the development, the product team, everyone has its own needs. It's like when you meet friends, right? So everyone has his own targets and needs and everyone pushes in one direction.

The real goal of the supply chain is to try to accommodate and leverage the best of each department in order to get the best service and cost for your customers. So it's a hard work because you don't just feel a number in a table or you're just you just don't apply a formula. Most of the times it's really going above and beyond. And this is what we are struggling in this case, not in this company, but generally around the world. Everyone looking at this is in this era, everyone trying to, you know, look at what's happening in Europe or in another other places. So that's purely supply chain. I'm just looking at my personal interest. So in that case, you just create conflict. So the supply chain is really destroying the barriers and trying to create that partnership, that that create connection and create the win win. That is the supply chain. I win. You win because if I'm going to start to let you lose because I want to win, this win is not going to be a long term play. It's going to be a short term play.

Well. And when you win, when you when you lock arms and create those partnerships. So both parties win and actually we win, we as the the potential customer win because now we have very interesting eyewear and very how should I say, very fast forward things that we can do with our eyewear. And and it's so it's not just a win win, it's actually a win win win. And it's one of my laws that I teach to create those win win wins, right? Because most people, when they first think success, they're like, Oh yeah, it's a win, right? It's got to be a win for me. Well, that's ego. That's that that's pretty that's pretty shallow thinking. In my definition, a win win is great. A win for you, win for me, you know, it's sweet, but a win win win is, is, is the beauty that we're creating. And it's not just us benefiting from it, but there's a greater benefit from that.

Yeah. And I give you this example, right? So the third win is the biggest one. So sometimes we think it's okay, you do a nice glass and the company is a lot of money is not really the thing. So think about the health care, think about the research and the development, the genome sequencing and all of these are big businesses that needs money to innovate. So the win win is between the supply chain and the other functions. If you create efficiency, that cost to reduce the reduction or that opportunity to be faster and closer to the market gives the company the possibility to innovate. With the cost reduction. You innovate a cheaper cost so you get a better production and the better production means better health care. I'm really thinking where the medicine is today or the or the or the or the health care. It's way, way beyond our imagination. And we know that we have so much to learn or to or to develop. So today, for example, talking about the eyewear, you wear an eyewear that you can, you have features and opportunity. 50 years ago, we're not there. And maybe in the future we are still not even thinking what is going to be our I don't know. And from the our from clothing from every part of the industry. It's it's such a huge opportunity to really look to be, as you say, positive thinker. The innovation would not be there if there are not really positive things up there.

Yeah. If we look at if we look at Ford and Edison that have not listened to everyone around them, say, what are you doing? You know, are you really going to do that? Yes. And because of them, because they're trailblazers. We are where we are today. I mean, let's just think really simple. Zoom before the pandemic, you know, it was a nice platform. I don't even think Zoom knew what they were getting into as we were going into lockdown. And thank God that they were there and that voice over IP was there, that we could not just communicate with our family across borders, across the ocean, but that we could actually continue our work.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's a great example how the war changed the. Destroying the barriers and not just zoom extended to the the Internet. Right the Internet of things and Facebook or WhatsApp all of them. I talk to my family every day now. Maybe they are watching at me and we are we feel they're so I mean, everything is connected or think about again, the the COVID there are companies that base that their connections. So you are my doctor and I'm your patient so you're visiting me now in another completely part of the world because there is COVID, because a lot of that that has been an innovation coming from in that case, it's a supply chain constraint. Right. So we cannot move. There was a supply chain constraint. We cannot move. So how do we become a better human being? So so it's so sad that we forgot so quickly that lesson. And we are already thinking about other bad than old things like the war. Now, while we still still we should still leverage on what we learn from COVID to truly become a better human being, creating connection and destroying barriers. So that's sad. But anyway, we are not here to be sad.

No, we're here to be empowered. I'm empowered by what you said. I'm empowered by your forward thinking. I'm empowered by you looking at even through the times of challenges and losses, looking at what is one thing that I can focus on, what is one life that I can empower? What is one difference that I can make? And that will lead me ultimately to me, feeling better to them feeling better to making a bigger difference and and creating those win win wins. So, Luca, I thank you so much for taking time to come out to be with us today. I send you lots of love over to California here from Atlanta. You're our family. You're already.

Two guys.

And we love you. Hug those babies for us. Hug Manu for us. And I will say I'm going to see you very soon in California.


That's a promise, not a threat.


And for the listeners that are staying on, thank you for being here. We have a success patterns checklist for you and I'm going to put it here in the comments. All you got to do is send us a quick email that to Bridget at reflect the way that you write that out. I put it in the comments here and you also see my first name at my last name dot com. So that's where you would send an email and just put in the subject line success patterns checklist and we'll send you the success pattern checklist. That is my gift from me to you, Luca. Again, thank you for being here, guys. Check in again next week, same time, same place. Success pattern show. Make it a great evening. Make it a great rest of the week. Not because I said so. Because you said so now. Ciao.

Ciao. Thank you.

Thank you for tuning in to the Success Pattern Show at WW. The Success Pattern Showcase. My name is Bridget Phyllis.

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Luca Di Camillo

I’m a no-limit energy thinker, constantly researching for ways of self improvement and to enhance or change other people’s live, even when they are in “normal” working environments. Life deserve to be lived in full, experiencing the power of love and of our souls that, when are touched in the right way, become unstoppable.

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